A bulldog spiked with 500 quills after she was attacked by a porcupine.
Photo credit: Animal Emergency Center of Norma |
Bella Mae, a three-year-old bulldog was rooting around a
backyard pond with two other dogs when a porcupine approached. The porcupine impaled all three dogs, but Bella took the brunt of the attack.
Photo credit: Animal Emergency Center of Norma |
She was rushed to the vet by her owners, Jerry and Allison Noles. It took a doctor and two nurses two hours to pluck more than 500 quills from her face, mouth and paws.
Photo credit: Animal Emergency Center of Norma |
Photo credit: Animal Emergency Center of Norma |
The brave pup recovered and was released from the vet. But veterinarians believe some of the quills are still inside her body and they were still finding quills stuck in the pup's face and paws a few days after surgery.
Photo credit: Animal Emergency Center of Norma |
nydailynews.comvia Amazing Creatures http://amazing-creature.blogspot.com/2012/08/bulldog-survives-after-500-porcupine.html
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